Philosophy Writing

No less than EVERYTHING

BUSHFIRES, VIRUSES, KILLER COPS, ALIEN INVASIONS… this society doesn’t play fair.

We have constructed a system based on the bottom line of war. Yet we are creatures of Love, of Art, of Sex, of God.

We are born gasping for air, crying, giggling, farting and ultimately just wanting to be cuddled while we suckle.We apply ourselves with devotion to the arduous task of learning how to work this human body. Day after day we study the inner mechanics, take it for a few crash tests and finally learn to crawl, walk, run and play.

Then we make up games, make friends and want so deeply to learn ALL THE THINGS.

But then all of a sudden the lessons start to be force fed, the rules of the game are arbitrarily prescribed, the win/lose conditions are enforced through pleasure/pain.

How did we go from somersaulting in the womb, to dangling off the edge of a cliff with executioners stamping on our fingers?

I have no good reason, but I’m sure there are many adult excuses about the complex nature of politics, economics and necessary evils.

However we got here, this is the man-made game we have inherited and it’s our time on the chess board to refine the rules. Let’s tear up the black & white tiles, craft our own playing pieces, lift our gaze from the fray on the battlefield and look our opponent dead in the eye. I SEE YOU THERE PUSHING THOSE PAWNS AROUND. I SEE YOUR HAND ON THE QUEEN.

Our storytellers have foretold this chapter for eons. Our artists have done their best to cultivate a deep mythology of fighting the good fight. Overcoming all adversity through love and togetherness.

Fact is humanity does best when pushed to the test. For whatever reason you and I are here now, on ‘Team Human’, facing that scary reflection in the darkest mirror in the deepest cave of our psyche.

Man, we messed up, but I can only trust that some part of us knew that it would take these odds to crack us through our own sickness. To break us open into our wild innocence.We are being summoned. Can you hear the call to adventure?


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