
Play Me?

Vicarious RGB, (Red, Green, Blue), combines years of questing experience into a game system which can be played by others. I continue to use myself as the guinea pig, but welcome other players to enter any of the 3 realms of play: 1) Architect 2) RGB Player 3) Vicarion.

Equipped with a body camera and an earpiece the Vicarion surrenders to the will of the players and is guided through the open world on a real life adventure.

The 3 ‘Realms’ in Vicarious are the domain of ‘The Architects’, ‘RGB Players’ and ‘Vicarions’.

1) The Architects design labyrinths to navigate, side quests to unlock, level up achievements and NPC’s to interact with. (currently inactive as the Labyrinths are still in development)

2) The Players control the Vicarion as a human avatar in the game of Life. Giving instructions to the Vicarion while they livestream. There are 3 players controlling the Vicarion:

Player Red

The RED player focuses on social aspects, like the mental wellness of the Vicarion, impact on people they interact with and real-time comments from the online audience.

Player Green

The GREEN player focused on creative aspects, such as how the Vicarion should behave and what actions to take to interact with their immediate environment. They are also the guiding voice in the Vicarion’s earpiece.

Player Blue

The BLUE player focuses on logistical aspects, responsible for tracking where the Vicarion is on the map and what goals they should head towards / achievements they should attempt to unlock.

Vicarion: Play Me icon

3) The Vicarion is the human avatar being controlled by the online players. They have been trained in Open World Gymnasium techniques of embodiment, creativity and questing, so are prepared to ‘be anyone and experience anything’.

They are the crash test dummies of humanity, stepping into a social experiment which explores questions like:
– “What happens when I allow my life to be guided by a crowd-sourced decision making process?”
– “What is the value of my experience? Would others pay to play in my world?”
– “Am I limiting my life by remaining addicted to the familiar and attached to my identity?”
– “What can we learn by walking in another’s shoes?”
– “How can we leverage networked technology to explore transhumanism?”

Play Modes

There 5 modes to play in:

1) Legend Mode: Players forward the Vicarion’s real lifestory.
2) Archetype Mode: Players send the Vicarion on quests to unlock archetypal achievements.
3) Labyrinth Mode*
4) Story Mode*
5) Free Play Mode: Players are free to explore the world through the Vicarion.

*inactive as still in development

For more details about the archetypal system and the Art Marshal training that it is based on, visit the ArtGym page.

Scoring system


A score is kept for each Vicarion. It is used to reflect more about the RGB Players than the human avatar. If a player’s actions are becoming destructive to the life of the Vicarion, the score will drop and they will be demoted in the player league rankings.

The 3 types of points are:

WELLNESS – Measuring the mental and physical health of the Vicarion.
RESOURCES – Keeping a tally of the money, resources and access to services that are gained due to game activity.
NETWORK – Quantifying the number of new, relevant connections that are added to the Vicarion’s contact list and the state of their reputation in their chosen industry.

Get involved?

We are currently looking for players in all 3 realms and tech sponsorship to build a ‘streaming suit’ to better capture the live experience of playing VicariousRGB!

    Ready to play VicariousRGB!?! Which role are you interested in playing as:
    ArchitectPlayerVicarionSupport Crew

    Playtest: Melbourne (2019)

    Vicarious has been playtested in Sydney, Byron Bay and Melbourne, Australia. I am currently based in Auckland, NZ and will be launching a new Twitch stream and Discord server in September 2020, to establish the player’s league and continue the development of the game system.

    Spinifex (2017)

    In 2017 I changed my name to Space Cassidy and set out on a rites of passage to test my play theory in Europe. I played an earlier iteration I called ‘Spinifex’ sporadically across London, Bucharest, Athens and Barcelona. This video documents my first hours in Greece. Landing with no contacts, no place to stay and determined to be guided by the flow state one enters when one views Life as a game.

    American Do Tour (2014)

    My first solo pilgrimage was in 2014 when I crossed the continent of the USA, (New York to Los Angeles), once again without the use of money. This time the social experiment was to use ART AS CURRENCY.

    From Nothing (2011)

    The first time I explored this idea was with the social experiment From Nothing in 2011. Two friends and I headed out to cross the continent of Australia without using money. We took only the clothes on our back, (we bought matching grey business suits and salmon pink ties), and a camera to document the journey.

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    Subscribe to my YouTube channel
    to follow my adventures and experiments.

    Join me on Twitch
    for livestreams of Vicarious!

    Subscribe to my Wonderfuel zine for experience recipes and game blueprints:


    * indicates required
    / ( mm / dd )